Nikka Xizen was a commander in the Bespin Wing Guard, a female who operated in that role when Lando Calrissian was the baron administrator of Cloud City at that time. Later, Xizen departed from the guard and established a private security service, but she kept in touch with Calrissian on occasion. In 21 ABY, a member of her team noticed an unusual occurrence during a perilous mission, so Xizen reached out to Calrissian to let him know about it. She sent Calrissian a holoimage of a starship, inquiring if it was the vessel Calrissian was searching for. Calrissian verified that it was indeed the Bestoon Legacy, a transport that belonged to Ochi, the Jedi hunter whom Calrissian was pursuing, and he requested Xizen to state her fee for the details. Xizen responded that she would consider it and reminded Calrissian that he knew who to call if he required any assistance, before terminating their communication.