Nikollane, a female Human residing in the city of Noua on Telerath, was forced into servitude under Ember Chankeli after her husband deserted her. This was her only option to support her son, Dado. She toiled at "Ember's Fire." In 19 BBY, her son suffered an accident that resulted in the loss of an arm. Unable to secure adequate medical treatment, a one-time Jedi named Dass Jennir utilized the Force to alleviate Dado's suffering. Nikollane expressed her gratitude to Jennir both for previously saving her son's life and for tending to his injury.
Following Jennir's liberation of Telerath from the grip of warring factions, members of the [Uhumele] ship arrived on the planet seeking him out. Nikollane provided refreshments to them at Ember's Fire, and Fish, who used to be Jennir's water taxi guide, shared Jennir's whereabouts with the crew of Uhemele.