The NJP-900 integrated jetpack represented a type of jetpack employed by both the forces of the First Order and the Sith Eternal. A notable instance of its deployment occurred on Pasaana by First Order jet troopers, who were pursuing Resistance personnel among the visitors present at the Festival of the Ancestors within the Forbidden Valley.

This jetpack, known as the NJP-900, was affixed directly to the user's armor, granting them substantial combat maneuverability. Both First Order jet troopers and Sith Jetpack Troopers made use of this jetpack, which was colored either red or white to coordinate with the trooper's respective armor. Jet troopers could achieve flight speeds comparable to a pair of Pasaana skimmers that had been hotwired by the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, reaching approximately 250 kilometers per hour. The NJP-900 incorporated internal gyroscopes, enabling it to adapt to movements and accelerations, effectively mirroring the user's reflexes. Furthermore, it integrated with the jet trooper's helmet visor, providing enhanced access to technical data during flight.

The employment of jetpacks extends back to the era of the Old Republic, with their reputation solidified by the actions of Mandalorian supercommandos. The NJP-900 represents the latest iteration in a lineage of mobile propulsion devices that have appeared across the galaxy's history.
The initial appearance of the NJP-900 integrated jetpack occurred on a Sith Jetpack Trooper within the young reader publication entitled First Order Villains.