Sith Jetpack Trooper

Sith Jetpack Troopers, alternatively known as Sith jet troopers, were specialized troopers within the Sith Eternal, focusing on aerial combat. The 105th Battalion, a unit of Sith troopers, included Sith jet troopers among its members. These troopers derived their power from the dark and ancient heritage of the Sith Order.


Sith jet trooper armor used integrated jetpacks.

During the conflict known as the Battle of Exegol, Resistance fighters tried to land the Fortitude on the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer called Steadfast. The Sith Eternal's ground forces were deployed to counter the assault, supported by Sith jet troopers who disembarked from Sith Transporters and devastated exposed enemy troops. Nevertheless, the Resistance fighters ultimately breached the Sith defenses and annihilated the fleet.


As part of the Sith Eternal army, Sith jet troopers were equipped with a specialized version of the stormtrooper armor used by the First Order's jet troopers, but colored in red instead of white. Their armor incorporated an NJP-900 integrated jetpack, providing them with exceptional agility and making them formidable adversaries. They also carried F-11ABA heavy blaster cannons, which were capable of dealing significant damage to enemy positions.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Sith Jetpack Troopers was in the 2019 young adult book First Order Villains.

