
Ntthan was a captain of a starship, a male Human, and a major in the service of the New Republic. After the Emperor [Palpatine](/article/palpatine/legends], having been reborn, obliterated the New Republic's headquarters located on the moon called Da Soocha V, Ntthan's duty was to oversee supply convoys heading to their new temporary sanctuary on the planet of New Alderaan. During one of these missions, the Galactic Empire captured Ntthan, taking him to Bast Castle, an Imperial fortress situated on the world of Vjun. There, Kvag Gthull, a Dark Jedi, subjected him to torture for more than twelve hours, until Ntthan finally gave up the name and whereabouts of New Alderaan.


Convoy captured

Major Ntthan undergoes interrogation at the hands of Kvag Gthull and his darksider cohorts.

Ntthan, a male Human captain of a starship and a skilled pilot, dedicated his service to the New Republic throughout the Galactic Civil War, fighting against the forces of the Galactic Empire. While serving in the New Republic armed forces, he achieved the rank of major and was honored twice for his outstanding displays of courage.

In the year 10 ABY, Palpatine, the reborn Galactic Emperor, used the Galaxy Gun superweapon to destroy the New Republic's primary base on the fifth moon of the planet Da Soocha. This forced the New Republic to seek refuge on New Alderaan, a world where Princess Leia Organa Solo had been concealing her twin children, Jacen and Jaina. During this difficult time for the New Republic, Ntthan was tasked with managing supply convoys to New Alderaan.

On one such supply mission through an uncharted section of space, Ntthan's convoy encountered an Imperial Star Destroyer. Attempting to deceive the Imperials, Ntthan and his crew claimed to be mere smugglers. However, the Empire was aware of Ntthan's allegiance to the New Republic. Consequently, the convoy's crew was taken captive and transported to Bast Castle on the planet Vjun, previously a stronghold of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Eventually, Ntthan was turned over to Kvag Gthull, a Dark Jedi who served as the chief interrogator at Bast Castle.

Dark Jedi interrogation

Ntthan succumbed to Imperial interrogation, revealing the location of the New Republic base on New Alderaan.

Gthull initiated his interrogation of Ntthan, seeking to uncover the location of the New Republic base he was supplying. Palpatine's objective was to find and capture the Solo children, intending to corrupt them to the dark side of the Force. When Ntthan refused to cooperate, Gthull, along with other members of the Dark Side Elite, a group of Dark Jedi serving Palpatine, began to torture the major. Meanwhile, Ntthan's extended absence caused concern among his New Republic allies, but they were unaware of his capture and couldn't risk contacting him for fear of revealing their location.

Ntthan endured painful procedures administered by an interrogation droid, resisting for twelve hours, refusing to betray his allies and forcing Gthull to intensify the droid's interrogation methods. Eventually, Palpatine himself arrived to oversee the operation and assess the results of the questioning. By then, Ntthan could no longer withstand the pain and revealed the name and location of New Alderaan to Gthull, before losing consciousness and being dragged to a cell. Subsequently, Palpatine gathered his forces and drove the New Republic from New Alderaan but failed to capture the Solo children.

Personality and traits

Major Ntthan's commendable service to the New Republic made him a figure known to the Empire, a fact that worked against him during his capture, as his attempt to pass himself off as a smuggler was easily exposed. Known for his punctuality, Ntthan had built a reputation for always being on time, which made his delayed arrival with supplies a cause for worry among the New Republic forces on New Alderaan.

During his interrogation by Palpatine's Dark Jedi, Ntthan attempted to resist their torture for many hours. However, despite being a pilot twice recognized for exceptional bravery, he eventually broke under the pressure of their interrogation and revealed the secret New Republic base on New Alderaan. Ntthan had black hair and fair skin.

Behind the scenes

Major Ntthan was created for the 1995 comic book Dark Empire II 6, penned by Tom Veitch and illustrated by Cam Kennedy. He later made an appearance in the comic's audio dramatization, though he only emits screams of pain and has no actual dialogue. The Dark Empire II comic book's narration identifies Ntthan as an "alien." However, Kennedy's artwork depicts the character as a Human.

The Dark Empire II audio dramatization differs from the comic in certain aspects concerning Ntthan's role in the story. In the audio adaptation, Executor Xecr Nist conducts Ntthan's interrogation, employing scarab droids filled with poison, while in the comic, Kvag Gthull questions Ntthan using an interrogation droid. Furthermore, on New Alderaan, the news of Ntthan's delay is conveyed to Organa Solo by her husband, Han Solo, whereas the comic depicts this exchange occurring between Organa Solo and Winter, the caretaker of the Solo children.

