Nydak Alpha

The Nydak Alpha, a unique and uncommon variant of the Lesser Nydak, was an apex predator indigenous to the Outer Rim Territories world of Dathomir. While sharing traits like black eyes with its Lesser counterpart, the Alpha possessed distinct features, including light blue and gray skin, and significantly larger spikes adorning its limbs and spine. Furthermore, its bones were exceptionally dense and nutrient-rich, protected by a tough hide, rendering it impossible to dismember its arms. Its forelimbs were adapted for both climbing and unique movement.

Compared to Lesser Nydaks, Nydak Alphas exhibited heightened aggression, greater tenacity, and a more solitary nature. Their powerful forelimbs also made them more dangerous than their common relatives. In battle, the Nydak Alpha employed both intelligence and raw strength to effectively counter multiple attacks.

In 14 BBY, the Jedi apprentice Cal Kestis journeyed to Dathomir as part of a covert effort to re-establish the Jedi Order. During this mission, Kestis slayed a Nydak Alpha within the Nightmare Ruins of the planet.

Behind the scenes

Nydak Alphas made their debut in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, the 2019 computer game created by Respawn Entertainment. Only a single Nydak Alpha appears in the game, acting as one of four optional formidable creatures that the player, controlling Cal Kestis, has the option to fight. Should the player successfully eliminate all four of these creatures, they are rewarded with the "Legendary Beasts" achievement. The 2023 follow-up to Fallen Order, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, repurposed the Nydak Alpha's animations and behaviors from the original game for the Sutaban Alphas located on the satellite of Jedha.

