Occupation of Iakar

Following the formation of the Galactic Empire, a group of scientists from the Imperial Corps of Bioengineers, accompanied by an Imperial occupation force, were sent to seize Iakar and retrieve its medicinal resources. In their desperation to rid themselves of the Empire, the Iakaru constructed or commandeered starships to flee the planet, hoping to eventually liberate Iakar from Imperial control.

Behind the scenes

Iakar's occupation initially appeared in Dawn of Rebellion, a canon roleplaying sourcebook from 2018 connected to both Star Wars Rebels and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Fantasy Flight Games released the book, with writing contributions from John Dunn, Tom Sorenson, Sterling Hershey, Jonathan Julius, Keith Ryan Kappel, Tim Huckelberry, Jason Marker, and James M. Spahn.


  • Dawn of Rebellion (First mentioned)

Notes and references
