Okalin was a male Bivall who held the position of advisor to the king of Onderon while the Clone Wars raged.
As the Clone Wars unfolded, Okalin took on the role of royal advisor for Sanjay Rash after Rash usurped the throne from Ramsis Dendup, the previous ruler of Onderon. Possessing a wide array of contacts throughout the walled city of Iziz, Okalin managed to remain informed about the fluctuating sentiments and anxieties that plagued the Onderonian population during the Clone Wars. Although Okalin considered alerting Sanjay Rash about the "terrorist strikes" endangering his life, the composed advisor made sure not to incur the anger of the king or his military commanders.
Okalin stood by Rash's side both during his discussions with Count Dooku and when he threatened Ramsis Dendup with execution, who was secretly plotting with the Onderon rebels.
Following the unsuccessful attempt to halt the rebel movement's increasing public support, Okalin was there when Dooku declared the end of support for Rash and his allies, leading to Kalani killing the King of Onderon. Okalin immediately surrendered, hoping to avoid a similar outcome.