The Bivall were a sentient species of semi-aquatic beings, native to the world of Protobranch in the Core Worlds. These tall bipeds possessed slender bodies, prominent stalked eyes, crested heads, and elongated fingers. Notable members of this species included Sionver Boll and Okalin.
Instantly recognizable due to their unique physical traits, the Bivall were a tall, sentient species of bipeds that called Protobranch, a planet within the Core Worlds, their homeworld. Key features included their lanky frames, large eyes set upon stalks, crested heads, and long, slender fingers. Their scaly skin exhibited a range of colors, from white and red to shades of green or blue. While their existence was closely linked to water, it wasn't essential for their survival, allowing them to thrive in locations far from it. Similar to other aquatic lifeforms, Bivall possessed immunity to the disease known as malongo pox.
By the time the High Republic Era had arrived, the Bivall had become integrated into galactic society. A solar storm struck Protobranch during the latter part of the Republic Era, causing the planet's floating cities to crash down to the surface.
Their high intelligence allowed Bivall to occupy numerous respected positions, including physicians, political advisors, researchers, and scientists.
During the High Republic Era, Ry Harket held the position of Dean of Student Life at Reena University, and was a Bivall female. Another Bivall female, Scover Byne, was the owner of the Byne Guild, which was later disbanded following her arrest. Quin, a Bivall slicer, initially served as a member of the Nihil before transitioning to a career as a bounty hunter alongside her partner, the former Tempest Runner Lourna Dee.
During the Clone Wars, Sionver Boll, a Bivall scientist, served the Galactic Republic. Later, Chancellor Palpatine assigned her the task of studying the Zillo Beast on Coruscant.
Okalin, a male Bivall, worked as an advisor to the reigning king of Onderon during the Clone Wars.