Malongo pox was a type of ailment which displayed signs like elevated temperature, cephalalgia, pus-containing vesicles, pharyngitis, and abdominal discomfort. People represented one kind susceptible to acquiring the affliction, but water-dwelling types like Bivall possessed immunity. The signs of Malongo pox—excluding the vesicles—could be artificially induced by eating a number of guiji fire peppers. While attending Reena University, Axel Greylark imitated having the condition using this method to avoid involvement in the Queen's Bloom Festival, coordinating his fabricated illness with a spike in actual cases of the ailment within the east tower of the university. The administrator of student affairs, Ry Harket, was not deceived by Greylark's deception; nevertheless, because Dean Harket had responsibilities to fulfill during the festival, she instructed the medical droid Una to "care for" Greylark by administering tranquilizers. Greylark declined the provided care, asserting it caused him to experience bad dreams.
Malongo pox received a mention in "The Queen's Bloom," a concise narrative featured in the 2023 compendium of young-adult fiction titled The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life, which was launched as a component of the Star Wars: The High Republic expansive media endeavor.