Old Market (Lothal)

The Old Market existed within Capital City on the planet called Lothal. Following the Spectres' attack on the Empire Day parade within the city in 4 BBY, the Lasat Garazeb Orrelios reached out to the Twi'lek Hera Syndulla to propose an alternative meeting place. Using her codename, Spectre-2, Orrelios inquired with Syndulla if she could get to the Old Market. Upon Syndulla's confirmation, Orrelios headed for the marketplace to rendezvous with her, scaling a building's exterior in order to avoid Imperial forces. Ultimately, the two met up and provided aid to their fellow rebels so they could escape.

Behind the scenes

The animated show Star Wars Rebels featured a reference to the Old Market in "Empire Day," which was the eighth episode of the first season. It was originally broadcast on November 17, 2014.

