Omkoo was an Aqualish male individual native to Talus, existing during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
Omkoo's ancestors were Aqualish who established themselves on Talus well before the events of the Galactic Civil War. Following the Battle of Yavin, he made his home in the city known as Dearic. In the year 1 ABY, Omkoo grew concerned due to spreading rumors about vandals desecrating Aqualish burial grounds. Given the apparent lack of interest from the local Federation of the Double Worlds authorities in addressing the situation, the Aqualish decided to hire a spacer located at the Dearic Starport to conduct an investigation and put an end to the grave disturbances.
The hired spacer journeyed to one of the most ancient Aqualish gravesites. Instead of finding thugs, the spacer encountered paramilitary forces belonging to the Tralus and Talus Liberation Party, a group advocating for the independence of the Double Worlds from the control of the Corellian system. Omkoo, filled with revulsion at the sight of the TTLP soldiers looting the ruins, instructed the spacer to eliminate them as punishment for their actions. Subsequently, the spacer and Omkoo uncovered evidence that the TTLP had already dispatched several artifacts pilfered from the gravesite to both the Nashal Starport and a weapons depot belonging to the Rebel Alliance. The spacer proceeded to visit these locations and, after engaging in further combat with TTLP soldiers, successfully recovered all of the stolen artifacts. At the Rebel weapons depot, the spacer found information that indicated the TTLP was providing the Rebels with weapons, medical supplies, and the stolen Aqualish relics in exchange for their support.
The spacer returned the recovered Aqualish artifacts to Omkoo, who was perplexed by these discoveries and unable to comprehend the TTLP's motivations regarding the ancient Aqualish society.
Omkoo functioned as a non-player character within the 2003 video game titled Star Wars Galaxies, which was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. This game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. The servers for the game were taken offline on December 15, 2011. Omkoo's character was integrated into the game through the "Grave Robbers" quest, which was introduced with the "Publish 21" update, released on August 4, 2005.