The Weapons Depot represented a significant accumulation of armaments situated on the planet of Talus.
Initially under the ownership of the Rebel Alliance, it became a highly contested location during the Galactic Civil War, as the Galactic Empire persistently sought to seize control of the weaponry.
Following the Battle of Yavin, the Tralus and Talus Liberation Party, an organization dedicated to securing independence for the Double Worlds from the Corellian system, transported weapons, medical supplies, and precious artifacts to the weapons depot. This was done to garner support from the Alliance. In 1 ABY, a spacer employed by the Aqualish named Omkoo engaged in combat with multiple TTLP soldiers within the depot. The purpose of this conflict was to recover ancient artifacts that had been pilfered from an Aqualish gravesite.
After the Battle of Restuss, the Rebellion's grip on the weapons depot weakened, transforming it into a frequent battleground between Rebel and Imperial forces. To facilitate their respective assaults, both sides established small camps in the vicinity.
The Weapons Depot featured as a location within the 2003 massively multiplayer online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies, before the game's termination on December 15, 2011. In the game's initial iteration, the Weapons Depot existed as a Rebel "Factional NPC Base" named Rebel Weapons Depot. Imperial player groups had the opportunity to attack Rebel NPCs and accomplish various objectives to gain control of the base. With the introduction of the "Chapter 2" update on August 1, 2006, the "Rebel Weapons Depot" underwent a transformation into the "Weapons Depot". It then became one of three bases that players from each faction could capture, alongside the Naboo Weapons Development Facility and the Corellian Tactical Training Facility.