Operation: Clean Sweep

Operation: Clean Sweep represented a series of military actions during the Galactic Civil War, pitting the ruling Galactic Empire against the insurgent forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic within the Outer Rim Territories. These conflicts encompassed both offensive maneuvers by the Empire and defensive counter-offensives by the Rebels, spanning from attacks on supply lines to desperate defensive operations.


Warlover Dreadnaught Assaults Rebel Supply Run

The Val transport group, a contingent of TRN vehicles, was conveying cargo containers destined for the Rebel Alliance CRS Valorous (Valorous) within the Esyram system. Their mission was interrupted by an assault from the Imperial Dreadnaught Warlover and its accompanying starfighter escort.

Assault on Goibniu Platform

Rebel starfighter squadrons launched an attack against the Imperial supply depot situated in the Goibniu system. Their objective was to seize Class-E Cargo Containers containing bacta, employing six Heavy Lifters from HLF group SFNGR for the extraction.

Attack on Rebel Factory Koensayr 42

Imperial forces initiated an assault on Rebel Factory Koensayr 42 just as ESC Eleusis was in the process of embarking a squadron of newly manufactured Y-wings. During the engagement, Imperial commandos attempted to infiltrate the facility and deploy a computer virus intended to redirect the remotely operated Y-wings into the Eleusis instead of docking.

Assault on Imperial-class Star Destroyer Tormentor

While HLF group Bellboy was in the process of retrieving provisions delivered by four vessels of FRT group Monru for the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Tormentor in proximity to Udnil II, they were ambushed by Rebel starfighters.

Ambush of Rebel Leader at Airam Platform

The Rebel CRV Intrepid (Intrepid) was forced to evacuate from the neutral PLT/1 Airam under the protection of its starfighter escort to avoid capture by Imperial Gunboats and Assault Transports.

Raid on Imperial Convoy near Atterol

Rebel fighters executed a raid on an Imperial convoy composed of FRG Tegret and three ships belonging to CNVYR group Xibo in the vicinity of the Atterol system.

Frigate Duel: Malevolent vs. Endeavor

The Imperial FRG Malevolent engaged in a balanced confrontation against the Rebel FRG Endeavor.

Attack on Victory-class Star Destroyer Formidable

The Victory-class Star Destroyer Formidable (Formidable) was discovered to be blockading a strategically important location within the Dellalt system, where a Rebel supply convoy was anticipated to pass in the near future. The Rebels launched a substantial starfighter assault against the Formidable, prompting the Imperial FRG Fury to join the battle.

Behind the Curtain

Operation: Clean Sweep is presented as a "Battle" within the Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter video game, which is to say it is a collection of eight distinct missions that are grouped together without forming a cohesive narrative. Battles are not driven by plot and their missions lack a defined chronological order.

While the events depicted in the individual missions can be regarded as part of the established canon, the ultimate outcome is determined by the player's actions. Consequently, the definitively canonical result of each mission remains ambiguous. It is reasonable to infer that neither side achieved any lasting strategic advantage (such as the permanent destruction of a capital ship) over the duration of the battle.

