The moniker "Operation Grain Snatch" was given to the Rebel Alliance's retaliatory actions against Imperial Overlord Ghorin. Many missions within this operation saw the participation or command of Rebel pilot Keyan Farlander.
Following the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance found itself in dire need of grain supplies. After addressing the malfunction and subsequent Imperial assault on the grain-carrying freighter Op Mus located within the Lesser Plooriod Cluster, the Rebels launched an attack on an Imperial freighter that was transporting grain. Subsequently, Overlord Ghorin feigned defection to the Rebel Alliance, offering to furnish them with Imperial resources under his control. The Rebels even undertook several starfighter missions to safeguard Ghorin's grain shipments from Imperial forces. However, this was merely a deception, as Ghorin's true intention was to supply the Rebels with a quantity of poisoned grain.
The Alliance uncovered the scheme before it was too late, and they successfully commandeered Ghorin's Y-wing starfighters with the intention of utilizing them against Imperial assets in the future. Ghorin's CR90 corvette, named Halifax, was rendered inoperable above Plooriod IV, at which point it was boarded by the Rebel Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport known as Storm. Rebel personnel transferred the cargo of Halifax to Storm, while the escort vessels of Halifax were taken captive by shuttle groups named Lightning, Thunder, and Typhoon. All vessels then made their way back to the MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser named Maria, while Keyan Farlander was left behind to destroy Halifax.
The captured Y-wings were then deployed in attacks targeting Imperial depots located in the Hollan D1 sector and Geedon V, among other locations, with the aim of discrediting Ghorin. Furthermore, the Rebels dispatched a rapid strike force comprised of Y-wings, two groups of Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transports named Khivan and Kaffir, and two BFF-1 bulk freighters named Talli and Rand, to engage and disable Ghorin's convoy. This convoy consisted of two BFF-1 bulk freighters named Grotius and Hugo, two Lambda-class T-4a shuttles, and two Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transports, all of which were escorted by Y-wings. The Rebel's intention was to replace the grain destined for the Imperials with the poisoned cargo that Ghorin had sold to the Rebels.
The operation achieved success, and the Rebels successfully absconded with the usable cargo, while the Empire unwittingly fell into the trap. The frigate Elite received the tainted grain. Ghorin was subsequently branded as a traitor, and Darth Vader personally executed him at his residence on Plooriod III.
The events preceding this operation are derived from Operations 6 through 9 of the Star Wars: X-Wing expansion, known as Imperial Pursuit. The rest of the story is based on Operations 10 through 14.