Plooriod IV, the fourth planet in the Plooriod system, functioned as an agricultural world within the Expansion Region of the galaxy. This information can be found on the planet's page.
During the events of Operation Grain Snatch, Imperial Overlord Ghorin's CR90 corvette, known as the Halifax, along with its six Y-wing fighter escorts, found themselves disabled above Plooriod IV by Red Squadron. Subsequently, the Rebel forces utilized the Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport named Storm to board the corvette and seize its cargo. Simultaneously, shuttle groups Typhoon, Thunder, and Lightning successfully captured the corvette's fighter escorts.
In a later incident, the Imperial Nebulon-B frigate Red Wind was detected in proximity to the planet. It was subsequently destroyed by three Alliance corvette groups identified as Striker, Hammer, and Arrow.
Within The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008, an entry dedicated to Overlord Ghorin makes reference to his castle being situated on Plooriod IV. However, this detail contradicts the Imperial Pursuit cut scene, which depicts the castle as being located on Plooriod III. Despite this discrepancy, the entries for both Plooriod III and Plooriod IV are considered accurate.