Ortolan (episode)

"Ortolan" represents the tenth installment of the online series Star Wars Galactic Pals. Within this episode, the Safari droid named M1-RE undertakes the task of mending a broken toy belonging to an Ortolan youngling. This episode debuted in conjunction with the ninth episode, "Porgs," on the StarWarsKids.com platform on October 25 of 2022.

Official description

Miree and Cam-E lend a hand to a disgruntled Ortolan when a malfunctioning toy disrupts his playtime activities.

Plot summary

An Ortolan youngling uses his imagination to simulate piloting a starfighter during an aerial battle, all while moving around in his walker and playing alongside a Jawa and a Rodian. Due to the intensity of his play, the Ortolan's walker malfunctions, prompting M1-RE to step in and fix it. During the repair attempt, M1-RE inadvertently triggers the walker's controls, leading to a collision with CAM-E.

Subsequently, M1-RE makes the decision to adjust the speed calibrators, but this action results in the walker spinning uncontrollably. M1-RE's frustration escalates as the Ortolan expresses his impatience through grunts and gestures towards the base of the walker. M1-RE then identifies that a ball has become trapped within the walker's repulsorlift generator. Overjoyed by the resolution, the Ortolan happily returns to his imaginary starfighter game with his fellow younglings.

