Gungan (episode)

title: Gungan

"Gungan" represents the eleventh installment of the online series titled Star Wars Galactic Pals. In this episode, the Safari droid named M1-RE takes on the role of instructor, showing a Gungan youngling the basics of walking. This episode, together with the twelfth episode, "Loth-Cat," was made available on on November 1, 2022.

Official description

Miree is giving a young Gungan their initial lesson in walking.

Plot summary

At the Youngling Care Space Station, the younglings are enjoying playtime in a swimming pool. The Gungan youngling demonstrates adept swimming skills, which impresses M1-RE, but splashes water on CAM-E, while the other children are using floats. M1-RE informs CAM-E and viewers that Gungans are taught to swim prior to walking. Today marks the Gungan's very first walking lesson.

The youngling displays fear about leaving the water. M1-RE tries to attract him using a snack, but the Gungan uses his extended tongue to grab it. M1-RE keeps attempting to entice him onto dry land with snacks. The youngling can't quite reach the second snack with his tongue, forcing him to crawl out of the pool. M1-RE rewards his crawling with a treat. Following this, she motivates him to learn how to stand, enlisting CAM-E's assistance.

M1-RE then shows how to walk by placing one foot ahead of the other. At first, the Gungan youngling hesitates to try, until he notices a dragonfly. M1-RE is happy that the Gungan has started to walk, even though he still needs to use his tongue for balance.

