Ortosin, a Sith apprentice of the male Human species, was in service to the Sith Empire during the period known as the Cold War.
Darth Skotia, Ortosin's Master, dispatched him to Korriban with an ultimatum intended for Zash's newest apprentice. Ortosin delivered a threat to the apprentice, warning against travel to the Empire's capital city located on Dromund Kaas; however, the apprentice stood firm and did not yield to intimidation. After the decision was made to introduce Ortosin to Khem Val, a Dashade, one of Ortosin's companions became terrified upon learning about the Dashade's perilous habit of consuming Force-sensitives and ejecting their skeletal remains. Subsequently, Ortosin attacked the apprentice, accompanied by two additional henchmen, but he suffered defeat and was ultimately killed.