Oruba Square, a location situated within Wormtown on Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon, featured a statue commemorating Oruba. Oruba was a male Hutt who sat on the Grand Hutt Council during the time of the Clone Wars. During the year 3 ABY, the rebel protocol droid known as C-3PO and the Wookiee Chewbacca met in Oruba Square with a Mirialan. This individual delivered a message to them from Sagwa, a Wookiee whom they sought out on the moon. They needed information regarding the whereabouts of the bounty hunter Boba Fett, who at the time held Han Solo, a mutual friend, encased in carbonite.
Following their payment to the Mirialan for the provided details, Chewbacca and C-3PO crossed paths with Dengar and Beilert Valance, both bounty hunters, who were in pursuit of the arms dealer Devono Vix. Chewbacca, recognizing the two hunters from previous encounters, launched an attack before Valance clarified the misunderstanding that had occurred during their last meeting with the Wookiee. Subsequently, the cyborg Valance informed Chewbacca that he, too, was endeavoring to rescue Solo from Fett's grasp. Chewbacca then told Valance that if he truly cared about Solo, he would trust the Wookiee to save him, and that he was to stay out of Chewbacca's way until he was asked to help. Concluding their exchange, the two rebels departed from Valance to proceed with their meeting with Sagwa.