In 19 BBY, after the Clone Wars concluded with the end of hostilities, the planet of Kashyyyk was subjected to the pacification of Kashyyyk. This event saw the Galactic Empire seize control of the world after a period of intense fighting. The Wookiees residing on Kashyyyk faced a sudden betrayal that commenced even before the formal establishment of the Empire. Clone troopers of the Galactic Republic, who had previously fought alongside the Wookiees in defending their home, turned against them following the execution of Order 66. Sheev Palpatine, now the Galactic Emperor commanding the newly formed Empire, ordered the clones to begin the enslavement of their erstwhile allies.
Kashyyyk was targeted by the Empire due to its abundant resources and the desire to enslave the indigenous Wookiees. These Wookiees subsequently formed a resistance movement to oppose the Imperial invasion. In the aftermath of the pacification, a Wookiee uprising erupted, which the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk played a key role in suppressing. The Imperial Senate saw no senator offer assistance during the planet's siege, nor did they intervene when Wookiees were forcibly removed from Kashyyyk to perform forced labor in mines and work camps, as their attention was focused on the needs of their own respective worlds.
CC-2224, also known as "Cody," a clone trooper and one of the Imperial commanders involved in the operation, later deserted the Empire. His departure was fueled by growing doubts regarding the Empire's commitment to peace.