Pantheon's Peace

The Pantheon's Peace represented a cessation of hostilities among the various groups within the Lost Tribe of Sith located on Kesh. This truce was proclaimed by the Tribe's designated Caretaker during the annual Testament Day celebration. This meant hostilities between the Sith factions were prohibited, factions that had been warring ever since the death of Grand Lord Lillia Venn in the year 3960 BBY.

In the year 3000 BBY, the convergence of the Festival of Nida's Rise (an event occurring every 79 years) with Testament Day (an event occurring every 25 years) was perceived as an ill omen by Jaye Vuhld, the Keshiri assistant serving Caretaker Varner Hilts. Due to escalating tensions among factions such as Iliana Merko's Sisters of Seelah, Korsin Bentado's Korsinite League, the Golden Destiny, and Force 57, coupled with the revelation that the Caretaker's timekeeping systems were inaccurate by eight days, Hilts announced the Pantheon's Peace eight days prior to Testament Day. The Pantheon's Peace forbade all conflict between the factions, as they all heeded Yaru Korsin's final testament to his daughter Nida Korsin.

The Pantheon's Peace of 3000 BBY proved to be short-lived, as it was during this year that the Lost Tribe discovered their ancestors had been enslaved by the Sith Lord Naga Sadow, whom they considered a monster. The destruction of Korsin's holocron led to the resumption of inter-factional warfare.

