Pars Varqom

Once a "Pearl Hat", Pars Varqom dedicated 18 years of service to the Royal Naboo Security Forces as a Palace Guard before his retirement. Throughout his career, Varqom served under seven different monarchs, beginning with King Ars Veruna and concluding with Queen Mairayni.


During the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, Varqom was an active member of the security forces. Under the guidance of Captain Quarsh Panaka, who had trained him in guerrilla warfare, Varqom and his unit withdrew from Theed and established a resistance cell within the Penladen Hills, traveling up the Solleu River.

When Queen Amidala made her return from Coruscant to spearhead the planet's liberation, Varqom's unit was situated too far away to participate in the assault on Theed. Instead, Panaka instructed them to free Theed's citizens who were being held at the Penladen detention camp. After they successfully took down the shield generator that protected the camp, Varqom watched as the escaping Theed citizens used their own hands to destroy B1-Series battle droids.

Years later, Varqom's life story was documented in the 2,453th volume of the Royal Archives of Naboo. Recalling the battle droids of the Trade Federation, he maintained a deep distrust of all droids. As he aged, he developed an eye disease that caused his vision to deteriorate, but he refused to treat it with cybernetics because he associated such technology with droids.


Varqom developed a lasting dislike and distrust for droids following the Invasion of Naboo. This aversion was so strong that he declined a Kulma Narrows doctor's recommendation to have a cybernetic ocular implant to address his deteriorating eye condition. Furthermore, Varqom avoided buying products from Neimoidians, Duros, or companies that supported both sides during the Clone Wars, such as Tagge Company and those located on Balmorra and Kuat. He preferred to patronize businesses within the Chommell sector. His great-granddaughter, Lesia, considered him to be "old-fashioned."

Behind the scenes

Jason Fry, the author of The Essential Guide to Warfare, ultimately removed all references to Pars Varqom from the book's final version. The character was later brought into canon through the blog post titled Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare: Author's Cut, Part 6 — Showdown at Naboo. Fry's inspiration for Varqom's story came from World War II veterans he knew who vowed never to purchase vehicles made in Japan after the war.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (Cut)
  • Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 6: Showdown at Naboo on (article) (backup link) (First mentioned)
