
Parvux was a scientist of the Zabrak species (specifically, he was male), and he contributed to the Death Mark laser initiative. This project was based on Alderaan and was under the purview of the Republic during the era known as the Cold War. During an assault on the project led by Nefarid, a Sith apprentice, the Jedi Master Orgus Din intervened to rescue Parvux. Parvux then assisted Din, along with Din's former apprentice, in achieving a temporary shutdown of the weapon before Din ensured Parvux's safe evacuation.


Doctor Parvux, a Zabrak of the male gender, played a role in the Republic's Death Mark laser endeavor. This initiative took place during the Cold War, a period involving the Sith Empire. Situated on the Core World of Alderaan, this [superweapon](/article/superweapon-legends], designed as a satellite, was intended to bring a swift resolution to the planet's civil war while minimizing casualties.

However, in 3643 BBY, the project faced an attack orchestrated by Lord Nefarid, an apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Angral. Nefarid's forces managed to breach the security at Mensaav Laboratory, but the arrival of Jedi Master Orgus Din turned the tide, forcing the attackers back. Nefarid then resorted to summoning the indigenous Killiks for reinforcement, prompting Din to secure himself and Parvux—the only project member he could rescue—within a fortified chamber of the lab.

Upon the arrival of Din's former apprentice, they together overcame a Killik ambush and engaged in a discussion about the Death Mark laser. Parvux informed the Jedi Knight that Aleyna Hark, a Mirialan, was actually a spy in possession of the weapon's targeting device. Parvux then proposed disabling several power generators to temporarily deactivate the Death Mark laser. While the Knight carried out this task, Din escorted the doctor to safety at Wardpost Duvaal.

Behind the scenes

Parvux's character was conceived for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that BioWare launched on December 20, 2011. His appearance is within the Jedi Knight storyline on Alderaan, specifically as part of the "Siege Mentality" mission. After the player and Orgus Din defeat the Killik Praetor, Parvux instructs the player to disable three power generators, which will temporarily halt the Death Mark laser's operation.

