The celestial body orbiting Pasaana, a solitary natural satellite exhibiting a bright white hue, circled Pasaana. This planet resided within the Middian system located in the Ombakond sector. This planet was located within both the Slice and the Expansion Region, specifically at location O-13 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Lando Calrissian, a retired general from the Rebel Alliance, witnessed the moon's ascent, noting a subtle violet aura surrounding it, while perched upon a level stone, gazing across a plain facing Pasaana's Forbidden Valley in 21 ABY.
The moon of Pasaana initially received an uncredited mention within Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, a 2019 reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo. Subsequently, it appeared and was formally identified in Shadow of the Sith, a 2022 novel penned by Adam Christopher.