Peace Vote

The Peace Vote, which opponents often called the Appeasement Vote, was put forward by Senator Viqi Shesh in the year 26 ABY. Its intention was to make the New Jedi Order illegal, thereby permitting the Yuuzhan Vong to keep the territories they possessed at that time, as stipulated in the peace agreement suggested by the invaders following the fall of Duro.


As a secret operative for the Yuuzhan Vong, Senator Shesh spearheaded the campaign to promote the Peace Bill. Nevertheless, actions undertaken by her office targeting the Solos resulted in her public downfall and contributed to undermining the credibility of the bill. Leia Organa Solo presented evidence to the New Republic's Corruption Panel revealing connections between the treasonous CorDuro Shipping and mercenaries who were paid to murder the Solo couple.

The New Republic Senate rejected the bill by a two-to-one margin. However, its introduction highlighted a growing wave of anti-Jedi sentiment. If the bill had been approved, it would have represented the first instance of the Republic (both Old and New) surrendering to external aggression. Ultimately, the bill would have accomplished nothing because of a subtle linguistic difference in the Yuuzhan Vong language. In their language, the word "peace" actually signified "submission."

