PePe Rossh

PePe Rossh, a Kaleesh male, served as a crew member aboard the Woebegone, a starship, back in 67 BBY. In that year, he, alongside the other freighter crew members, embarked from the world of Bal'demnic. Tragically, en route to their subsequent destination, the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Plagueis, who had secretly stowed away on their vessel to leave the planet discreetly, killed the Kaleesh and the rest of the crew.


Members of the Kaleesh species, which PePe Rossh was one of.

Prior to 67 BBY, PePe Rossh, a male Kaleesh, joined the crew of the freighter Woebegone under the command of Captain Ellin Lah, a Togruta. Rossh, together with his fellow starship crewmates, frequented locations such as Vestral, Sikkem IV, Carlix's Folly, and the planet Bal'demnic. In 67 BBY, after a stop on Ord Mantell, the freighter picked up a shipment of fresh sea life on Bal'demnic. As the ship prepared to depart for Ithor, Rossh, accompanied by crew members Doo Zuto and Wandau, verified the secure storage of the cargo. While the Woebegone was traveling through hyperspace to its next destination, the crew discovered an unexpected stowaway hidden within one of the cargo bays. Rossh and other crew members confronted the Muun stowaway, who, secretly, was the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis, although he refused to reveal his identity.

At the Muun's insistence, Lah spoke to the stowaway privately. Upon her return, Lah informed the crew that the Muun sought discreet passage to Muunilinst, the Muun homeworld, which was located near Ithor. Rossh and the crew debated their course of action, with the Kaleesh suggesting either transporting the stowaway to his destination or holding him for ransom, given the typical wealth of Muuns. Despite the crew's generally honest lifestyle, the potential financial gain was tempting. However, they ultimately decided to remove the Woebegone from hyperspace and comm the Bal'demnic authorities to determine if the Muun was a fugitive, as transporting a fugitive would damage their reputation. If he was a fugitive, the freighter would return to Bal'demnic. If not, the crew would take him to Ithor. Lah then went to inform the Muun of their decision.

Because the stowaway wished to remain undetected after leaving Bal'demnic to protect his secret dealings there, the Muun rejected the proposal and killed Lah. Just as the freighter exited hyperspace, the Muun rushed into the cabin where Rossh, Wandau, Zuto, and first mate Maa Kaap were, wielding an activated lightsaber in his hand. Giving Rossh and the others only enough time to draw their blasters, the stowaway attacked. The crew, aided by Blir', the pilot, and Semasalli, the navigator, who arrived soon after, attempted to subdue the Muun. However, after Blir', Semasalli, Wandau, and Kaap were struck down by the stowaway, Rossh was decapitated as he and Zuto attempted to attack the Muun with their bare hands after their blasters proved ineffective. Ultimately, all of the crew except the ship's medical droid, 11-4D, perished.

Personality and traits

Rossh, a Kaleesh with scarlet colored scaly skin and a tusked face, emitted strong pheromones. During the discussion about the stowaway, Rossh advocated for taking the Muun to Ithor, and possibly even all the way to Muunilinst. The Kaleesh believed the stowaway was worth far more than ten years of cargo and liked the idea of taking him hostage. He also held the opinion that all Muuns were cowards and would not fight. Rossh possessed decent combat skills for a freighter crew member, but despite this, Plagueis swiftly killed him.

Behind the scenes

PePe Rossh's character appeared in the 2012 novel Darth Plagueis, penned by James Luceno.

