
The Phydolon, originating from the planet Mydasos in the galaxy, were a duo of symbiotic sentient species native to that world.

Biology and appearance

Comprising the mammalian humanoid Agarans and the fungal rhizome Orucytes, the Phydolons were a symbiotic sentient species native to Mydasos. This bond had formed over countless years. Throughout the bodies of both species, the fungus developed tissue, and both Agarans and Orucytes possessed consciousness. However, a Phydolon was simultaneously a pair of individuals and a unified entity, resulting in a gestalt consciousness shared within the species.

Biologists have proposed that neither species would have achieved self-awareness independently. While both mammalian ancestors and fungal spores existed across Mydasos, only the symbiotic pairing managed to develop sentience.

Society and culture

While appearing unsophisticated to outsiders, the Phydolons valued long-term wisdom and spirituality. Their understanding of the Living Force was one of familiarity and welcome, as they recognized the Force as the connector of the galaxy. Phydolon society was characterized by communal living in tightly-knit groups across their planet. Social hierarchy was minimal, with the wisest individuals rising to leadership through the collective will of the group's gestalt consciousness.

Although they had a language, it seemed rudimentary and underdeveloped to those from other cultures. Nevertheless, when in close proximity, Phydolons could communicate emotional nuances with remarkable accuracy, an empathic ability exclusive to their species due to their unique biological makeup. They considered other languages unnecessarily intricate.


By the time the Galactic Civil War was underway, the species had only recently been scouted. Despite this, at least one Phydolon had become a member of the Jedi Order before its destruction.

Phydolons in the galaxy

Phydolons seldom ventured off-world, as separation from the rhizome caused their symbiote to experience isolation. Ark ol Loor once hunted the Executioner after her partner, Alk ol Nojj, was killed. During this pursuit, a Force-sensitive older man came to her rescue.

Behind the scenes

The Phydolons were initially detailed in the 2018 Knights of Fate sourcebook for the roleplaying game by Fantasy Flight Games.


  • Knights of Fate (Initial mention)

Notes and references
