
Piloc was a lieutenant in the Imperial Military, specifically a male Human serving in the Fifth Infantry's First Battalion. In the year 3643 BBY, Piloc and his company found themselves stationed on Balmorra, tasked with recovering the schematics for a neutron detonator from the remnants of Bugtown. Regrettably, Piloc's lack of skill resulted in the demise of Private Suzoku and half of his battalion at the hands of the mutated Colicoids that had infested the location. Even after executing Private Camm for disobeying a direct command, Piloc failed to persuade Privates Ganbar and Erelut from his unit to re-enter the area. To complete the mission, Piloc had no choice but to request assistance from Imperial troops stationed at Camp Vogel.

Behind the scenes

The character Lieutenant Piloc on Balmorra is featured in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, where he offers Imperial players the Heroic quest "A Question of Motivation." A factual error exists within the mission log, as Piloc is incorrectly said to be situated at the "Spire Swamp Overlook" within Gorinth Canyon, even though the Spire Swamp is just another name for the Markaran Wastes in the Markaran Plains and Piloc is actually located in Bugtown.

