Pirate Bunker

The Pirate Bunker was a fortified structure situated on the planet Naboo. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, a band of pirates controlled this bunker.


This Pirate Bunker was established within a remote section of the Gallo Mountains, found on Naboo, a world in the Mid Rim. Before the pirates moved in and turned it into their base of operations, the building was abandoned.

Prisoners held inside the Pirate Bunker

Following the Battle of Yavin, the pirates abducted a number of Naboo nobles from across the planet. They were imprisoned within the bunker with the intention of securing ransom payments. Among those captured were Demitri Firewatcher's master, Hanna S'kiyah's sister, and even several members of the royal family.

In the year 1 ABY, Demitri Firewatcher sought assistance from a spacer while in the city of Keren, requesting the rescue of his master. Firewatcher amplified the spacer's interest by spreading tales of treasure hidden within the bunker. The spacer consented to liberate the prisoners, and Firewatcher suggested forming a group to overcome the numerically superior pirates. Simultaneously, Hanna S'kiyah also implored a spacer to save her sister from the bunker. Additionally, a spacer encountered a man named Ketter Yaaran in the Kaadara cantina to gather information about the pirates and their fortified base.

During the same year, Jabba the Hutt's bounty hunter, Bronell, dispatched a spacer to the pirate bunker with the aim of acquiring details about a CorSec officer who was indebted to both Jabba and the pirates.

Behind the scenes

The Pirate Bunker was featured as a location in the 2003 massively multiplayer online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The Pirate Bunker was integrated into the game through the "Publish 1" update, which was released on August 3, 2003.

