Power injector system

The power injector system functioned as a mechanism for enhancing the accuracy with which bacta vials were administered to patients. The Jawa named Entip possessed a recovered power injector system within her sandcrawler on Tatooine, a desert planet situated in the Outer Rim, around 3 ABY. Entip was prepared to exchange the injector system in return for a J8 terrain sensor, nine units of Transparisteel, and a trio of ion cells.

In the year 3 ABY, Kay Vess, the scoundrel, bartered with Entip to acquire the power injector system, subsequently leveraging it to refine the application of her bacta vials.

Behind the scenes

The power injector system made its debut in the 2024 video game Star Wars Outlaws, developed by Massive Entertainment. To unlock the "Adapt" ability, which grants players immediate health recovery upon bacta vial use, obtaining the injector system is a mandatory step for the player.

