Ion cell

An ion cell functioned as a source of energy, powering devices such as the ion blaster and the electro-shock prods. These cells could be periodically replenished with a recharge.

In 3 ABY, the Quarren merchant rogue Shuma offered ion cells for sale on several planets utilizing her Sienar-Chall Utilipede Transport, pricing them at 250 credits. During the same year, Pinota Pakinota, a Jawa residing on Tatooine, expressed a willingness to exchange enhanced durasteel hull for ion cells.

Kay Vess utilized ion cells in 3 ABY to modify her VM-19 heavy blaster pistol and to create an electro-shock prod.

During 34 ABY, Kazuda Xiono, while posing as a First Order technician on the Titan, possessed a datapad that contained a list of pending work orders. The sixth item on that list, written in Aurebesh, pertained to the recharging of ion cells.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of ion cells in canon continuity occurred in "Station to Station," an episode from the second season of the animated series Star Wars Resistance. Subsequently, ion cells were featured as both an inventory item and an upgrade component in the 2024 video game Star Wars Outlaws, developed by Massive Entertainment and published by Ubisoft. Within the game, they were also used to unlock the "Adapt" expert ability, which allowed players to instantly recover one additional health when using a bacta vial.

