Preens B'oola

Preens B'oola was a Twi'lek of the male persuasion who engaged in criminal activities on Corellia during the Galactic Civil War era. Following the Battle of Yavin which occurred in 0 BBY, B'oola commanded a band of ruffians operating in the vicinity of Coronet City. In 1 ABY, Preens B'oola carried out the assassination of a courier employed by the Corellian government on a Coronet City street. His motivation was to seize the government documents that the courier was transporting, with the intention of demanding a ransom. Consequently, Gallura Handerin, a government assistant working at the Coronet Capitol, charged a spacer with the task of locating the missing courier. The spacer ultimately discovered the courier's corpse along with a message from B'oola, demanding an exorbitant ransom of 1,000,000 credits. The spacer, who also served as a CorSec operative under Lieutenant Mack Jasper, successfully tracked Preens B'oola to his encampment situated on the outskirts of Coronet City and ultimately eliminated him to retrieve the government documents.

Behind the scenes

Preens B'oola functioned as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and then published by LucasArts before its shutdown on December 15, 2011.

Preens B'oola was incorporated into the game through the "Publish 25," update, also referred to as the "New Game Enhancements," which went live on November 15, 2005. He was part of a questline that centered around the Rogue CorSec plot against the Diktat. This particular story arc underwent minor revisions with the release of "Publish 27," on February 15, 2006, when the questline was integrated into the "Legacy Quest," which was the main questline in the game.

