A hospital for refugees existed on the world of Alderaan amidst the Cold War that raged between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. The Human physician and explorer Archiban Kimble—more commonly referred to as Doc—purchased the medical facility in 3644 BBY as a gift for his then-fiancée, the Twi'lek named Prudy. Though, their relationship ended shortly after, Prudy proceeded to manage the hospital for the subsequent two years. Eventually, the criminal organization from whom Kimble had previously pilfered the currency located their stolen funds. This gang abducted Prudy, holding her captive to coerce Kimble into handing over the shipment of precious spice he was indebted to them for. After seizing Prudy, the gang set the hospital ablaze, reducing it to ashes.
The hospital owned by Prudy is initially referenced within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a game published by BioWare and LucasArts in 2011. This mention occurs during the "Best Intentions" dialogue with Doc, a companion character for the Jedi Knight class.