Lord Qaqquqqu held membership within the Empire Reborn, an organization under the leadership of Hethrir, a Dark Jedi who formerly served as the Imperial Procurator of Justice. Qaqquqqu possessed significant wealth and influence, commanding extensive assets like starships and a sizable following.
Qaqquqqu, alongside Lady Ucce and Lord Cnorec, attended a trade auction in 14 ABY with Hethrir that centered around the exchange of slaves. Upon observing Anakin Solo, who was only three years old at the time, Qaqquqqu remarked to Hethrir that Anakin seemed too young to be involved with the Empire Reborn. Hethrir acknowledged Anakin's youth, stating that he needed to allow him to mature or return him to the New Republic.
During that same gathering, both he and Ucce observed Hethrir employ the Force to kill Cnorec because of Cnorec's dissent. Later, he was present at a ritual held at Crseih Station where Anakin Solo was to be sacrificed to Waru. After Hethrir's demise and the capture of Crseih Station by New Republic forces, it is believed that he was apprehended by New Republic Intelligence due to his participation in the slave trade.