
The Queensguard functioned as a military unit of bodyguards, whose primary duty was to safeguard the Queen of the Royal House of Alderaan. When the time of the Great Galactic War arrived, House Panteer was the royal family, and the Queensguard's responsibility was to ensure the Queen's protection.


During the era of the Cold War, Sir Deris Panteer of the Queensguard, mortally wounded, embarked on a quest to locate the original royal crown of Alderaan. He discovered it within a container near the river where the Panteer Royal Transport had crashed in the Glarus Valley. He then charged a traveler with the mission of retrieving the crown from the wreckage and delivering it to Captain Lieber at the Panteer hideout.

Samara Organa sought to uncover the truth surrounding the assassination of Senator Gaul Panteer and identify his killer. Working alongside Captain Orrick Gwyndon of the Panteer Queensguard, they assigned a Republic ally the task of recovering the assassination holorecording from the library within the Holo Archives of Castle Panteer.

The Sith Empire attempted to gain favor with House Panteer by eliminating Bouris Ulgo and restoring the house to power. Lord Aurren Tuile Panteer deployed an elite squad of the Queensguard to accompany the Sith, with the intention of arresting Bouris Ulgo. Following the successful completion of this objective, a captain from the Queensguard took position in the throne room of Castle Panteer, awaiting news regarding Bouris Ulgo's status.

