The fifth episode of the LEGO short film series entitled _ The Yoda Chronicles_ is called "Race for the Holocrons". It was originally broadcasted on Disney XD on June 15, 2014.
At Utapau, Luke Skywalker, Leia, C-3PO, and R2-D2 are attempting to locate a spacecraft to travel to Tatooine. However, a Varactyl launches an attack after Luke accidentally kicks a rock at it. The creature pursues them into a subterranean passage, even following Luke as he jumps down to protect his companions. Simultaneously, Darth Vader assaults the Millennium Falcon in his personal TIE fighter, believing Luke to be aboard, while Han Solo and Chewbacca are piloting. Despite Han and Chewie's success in destroying Vader's fighter, Vader infiltrates the Falcon and attempts to extract information from Han and Chewbacca regarding Luke's location, but not before verbally disparaging the Falcon.
As Luke plummets down the hole in an attempt to save his friends, the spectral form of Obi-Wan Kenobi materializes, informing him that he could have located the holocrons himself. Obi-Wan also reveals that Darth Vader is also in search of the holocrons. Obi-Wan further explains to Luke that the holocrons are hidden beneath the Dune Sea and urges him to retrieve them after escaping his current predicament. Luke improvises a bungee cord using rocks and leaps to safety, causing the Varactyl to fall. Unfortunately, the creature begins climbing up the chasm wall after them. The group manages to acquire a starship, and C-3PO instructs R2-D2 to interface with the computer port. R2 initially resists due to the perceived uncleanliness, but relents after sanitizing the port. The ship is powered up after the Varactyl climbs onto it, which sends the creature plummeting back down the hole for good.
During Vader's interrogation of Han and Chewbacca utilizing a Force choke, Luke contacts them regarding the location of the Jedi holocrons. Vader is also present, and Luke attempts to deceive Vader by suggesting that the Holocrons are located on Naboo rather than Tatooine. However, Vader is not fooled and now knows the location of both the holocrons and Skywalker. While Vader is momentarily distracted by the message, Han and Chewie manage to conceal themselves within the Millennium Falcon's escape pod. However, Vader detects their escape and ejects the pod onto the planet below, forcing him to travel to the Dune Sea. Subsequently, a small band of Jawas discovers the holocrons first.
Difficulties arise for Luke and his companions when a squadron of X-Wing fighters, led by Wedge Antilles, engages them in combat because the ship he chose was an Imperial starship. Luke defends himself after a failed attempt to explain the situation to Wedge. Simultaneously, Vader encounters a similar situation with a squadron of Imperial TIE Fighters, and he expresses his frustration at them finally achieving accurate aim. (Unlike Luke, Vader enjoys shooting at his attackers and comments "It's fun to win every once in a while.")
Han and Chewbacca's escape pod crash-lands on Dagobah, prompting them to seek refuge. Unfortunately, they enter the same cave that Luke encountered in Episode V, and flee in terror. Shortly after, they encounter Yoda near the cave, realizing where they are. Han and Yoda exchange greetings, having last seen each other in an earlier installment.
Darth Vader arrives on Tatooine first, landing in Mos Eisley. As he proceeds towards his objective, he encounters Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan, who repeats the same threat he delivered to Luke in A New Hope. Vader, in a fit of anger, severs Evazan's arm with his lightsaber, mirroring the fate of Ponda Baba in Episode IV. Luke and his group then encounter them as well, but the criminal amputees flee in panic as to not get further injured. Vader then enters the famous cantina and requests a vehicle, but the bartender stops him because the metal detector went off, mistaking him for a droid. The Sith Lord destroys the detector and uses the Force to send the bartender headfirst into the ceiling. Realizing the implications, he changes his mind and permits droids to enter the cantina, resulting in a small group of droids entering and celebrating. Vader asks for a vehicle, which the bartender is happy to loan, (possibly to keep Vader from getting mad again).
Luke and his friends then arrive on Tatooine, and meet Watto to find a vehicle to travel to the Dune Sea. Luke asks for a podracer, but is fresh out of money. Attempting a Jedi mind trick, Watto resists. However, when Leia assists him in the mind trick, The creature finally falls into hypnosis, including C-3PO. They have the podracer loaned to them, and Threepio is left with Watto. The bartender loans Darth Vader a landspeeder, but he takes off with it after Skywalker and co. passes him, but after they both comment on their foe having their vehicle (Luke in Vader's podracer).
Meanwhile, Han, Chewbacca, and Yoda are seated by a campfire, consuming popcorn as Yoda recounts a story about Luke and the holocrons. The aged Jedi master abruptly stops after he realizes Luke might be in danger. He instructs Han and Chewie to return to Tatooine in the escape pod.
At the Jawa Sandcrawler, Bib Fortuna is visiting check if there is anything good to purchase. Apparently, the Jawas had also put a pile of holocrons (labeled shiny cubes) up for sale. But before the Twi'lek can decide, they notice Luke and Darth Vader speeding towards them. Their endangerment sends everyone outside the crawler into a panic, and R5-D4's motivator malfunctioning again. After they arrive at the sandcrawler, the Jedi and Sith engage in a short lightsaber duel. But their fighting allows the Jawas to escape with the holocrons, with their power giving the sandcrawler super-speed. They take off for the crawler (in their proper vehicles this time) and leave Leia and R2-D2 behind. But at that moment, Han and Chewie land on Tatooine, realizing Luke had already left. They then have to get in the pod yet again, this time with the Princess and R2.
Meanwhile, Luke and Darth Vader continue their lightsaber duel, also running through Jabba the Hutt's sail barge. Vader gets inside the sandcrawler and gets rid of the Jawas, but Luke then shows up before his foe can take the holocrons. Unfortunately, the vehicle is headed straight for the streets of Mos Eisley, and chasing C-3PO, who is no longer is hypnosis. Luke stops the sandcrawler, but Vader manages to steal every holocron and escape in his shuttle.
Yoda and Obi-Wan's spirit are on Dagobah, discussing the consequence of Vader wielding the holocrons. Fortunately, they call for the help of veteran hero Jek-14 to assist them in their to recover the sacred artifacts.