Raid on Yirt-4138-Grek-12

In the year 22 BBY, amidst the events of the Separatist Crisis, the Corporate Alliance launched an assault on a group of specialized hackers situated on the asteroid designated Yirt-4138-Grek-12. The catalyst for this action was the discovery of a clandestine hacking facility on the asteroid, which served as a base of operations for spies illicitly acquiring information from the Corporate Alliance. In response, the corporation dispatched its NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers to the asteroid, where the droid tanks initiated an attack on the facility. The aftermath of the assault left twenty-five hackers deceased and the base utterly decimated. Despite concerns voiced by some senators within the Galactic Republic regarding the severity of the attack, it was deemed to be within the bounds of legality.


During the time of the Separatist Crisis, specifically in 22 BBY, a concealed industrial espionage training hub resided on a secluded asteroid known as Yirt-4138-Grek-12, located within the Corporate Alliance–controlled Fakir sector. This base served the purpose of equipping and training industrial espionage operatives by providing them with spaceships and performing cybernetic enhancements, effectively transforming them into cyborgs. The Galactic Republic did not sanction the base's activities, leading to its concealment by those funding the operation.

One such agent operating from this base was Denlace Sachoore, a female of twenty-four years who underwent a surgical procedure resulting in a vessel drive being implanted in her skull. However, during her employment as a clerk for the Corporate Alliance, she was discovered to be stealing corporate data using the vessel drive, prompting questioning by Corporate Alliance officials. Approximately one month later, the origin of her training and surgery was traced back to Yirt-4138-Grek-12, leading to the facility's exposure. Considering the base a potential threat to their financial interests, the Corporate Alliance Directorate, under the leadership of Magistrate Passel Argente, convened and decided, by a vote of 7–2, that immediate and decisive action was necessary.

The raid

The Corporate Alliance used NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers to destroy the slicing facility.

The Corporate Alliance deployed transports carrying NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers to Yirt-4138-Grek-12, positioning them ten kilometers away from the base. Subsequently, the droid tanks advanced across the asteroid's surface towards the facility, where they utilized their laser and missile weaponry to breach the pressurized structure. Consequently, twenty-five cybernetically-enhanced data thieves died within the base, which suffered complete destruction.


Following the raid, Argente disseminated a holomessage to Corporate Alliance shareholders, detailing the specifics of the mission and assuring them that the corporation would exert every effort to safeguard its commercial interests. HoloNet News later reported on the raid. Although the raid was legally justifiable, given its occurrence within Corporate Alliance territory, several senators of the Galactic Senate, including Senator Gopple from Erigorm, expressed disapproval of the attack, considering the employment of armored tank droids an overly aggressive measure.

Behind the scenes

The raid was initially referenced in the in-universe HoloNet News Vol. 531 #48 article titled Corporate Alliance Attacks Slicer Compound, featured in the HoloNet News volume released on March 21, 2002.

