Rakata Prime refueling station

A fueling depot was in orbit around the world of Rakata Prime, situated within the Unknown Regions. The intrepid cook Strono "Cookie" Tuggs at one point made a stop at the depot, where he drank a mug of powerful caf called Hyperspace Brew as the station's attendant recounted the history of the Rakatan race who formerly lived on Rakata Prime. Tuggs would subsequently reference his time at the fueling depot in a recipe for the regional beverage that appeared in The Ultimate Cookbook released in 35 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The space station providing fuel above Rakata Prime appeared in Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, a 2023 Star Wars recipe book authored by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak.


  • Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook (First mentioned)

Notes and references
