Rarlech system

The Rarlech system, a star system located in the Unknown Regions, could be found at grid coordinate H-5 on the Standard Galactic Grid. A rocky planet existed within this system. Sometime in the period spanning from 28 ABY to 34 ABY, the warrior known as Kylo Ren underwent training under First Order Supreme Leader Snoke within the Rarlech system. Ren and Snoke journeyed to the system's rocky planet for the purposes of Ren's training. Following this, they moved the training to Dagobah, a planet situated in the Outer Rim, traveling there aboard an Upsilon-class command shuttle.

Behind the scenes

The initial depiction of the Rarlech system occurred in the one-shot comic issue titled Age of Resistance - Supreme Leader Snoke 1. Tom Taylor served as the writer for this comic, while Leonard Kirk provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it on September 11, 2019.

