A Reborn Master is shown wielding two lightsabers simultaneously.
The individuals known as Reborn Masters began as members within Desann's Reborn ranks. Following the group's collapse, the surviving members then pledged their allegiance to Tavion Axmis. They held some of the most important positions within both the initial Reborn faction and within Tavion's organization, the Disciples of Ragnos. Dressed in sturdy purple armor, they fought with elongated lightsabers similar in style to those used by their former leader, Desann. While most Reborn Masters used a single lightsaber, some were observed using dual lightsabers or a saberstaffs.
Reborn Masters were extremely proficient in the dark side of the Force and were formidable lightsaber combatants, capable of defeating an average Jedi. They also possessed the ability to use light side Force abilities such as Force heal, Force protection, and Force absorb. To further enhance their combat prowess, Reborn Masters also employed Dun Möch tactics during battles to erode the willpower of their adversaries.
Unlike the typical cultists, Reborn Masters rarely took part in cult missions unless the missions were of critical importance. On one occasion, two Reborn Masters were sent to Taspir III to prevent Jedi from rescuing Rosh Penin, who was being held captive by the cult after his attempt to escape. Jaden Korr encountered and defeated both Reborn Masters while searching for Rosh. Furthermore, two additional Reborn Masters were present during the Battle of Korriban. They delayed the Jedi forces in the Valley of the Dark Lords until Korr engaged and defeated them. Aside from these specific instances, the Reborn Masters generally maintained a low profile within the cult.
Within the game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, during the Battle of Korriban, players will encounter a Reborn Master who wields a staff and effortlessly defeats three Jedi Knights. However, it is important to note that this event is scripted and does not accurately represent the character's actual in-game capabilities. When the player triggers a specific event, the hitpoints of the three Jedi Knights are reduced from 200 to a mere 1, allowing their opponent to defeat them with a single, weak attack. The Reborn Master, on the other hand, remains invulnerable until attacked by Jaden himself.