Reirin (short story)

title: Reirin - Reworded

The short story "Reirin" can be found within the anthology From a Certain Point of View. Penned by Sabaa Tahir, the narrative centers around the perspective of Reirin, a young Tusken Raider.

Plot summary

Reirin, a Tusken Raider female outcast, is in hiding behind a moisture vaporator, as she awaits the opportune moment to secretly board a Jawa sandcrawler. She requires a diversion to facilitate her boarding, and she grows impatient as she watches the haggling transpire between the Jawas and the moisture farmer who is purchasing a droid. An opportunity arises when one of the droids experiences a malfunction, inciting the farmer's anger towards the Jawas. Reirin seizes this moment to slip beneath the sandcrawler and climb aboard before it departs. She has fled her clan due to her frustration over the restrictions placed on women in combat, and has been employed by a trader to pilfer a specific rock from the Jawas in exchange for passage off-world.

The trader specified that the rock would be either blue, green, or purple in color, and that the Jawas would be aware of its significance. While stealthily navigating the sandcrawler, Reirin is unsure of how to locate the object of her search, but an instinct guides her toward a particular box. Upon forcing it open, she discovers, amidst an assortment of miscellaneous items, an unusual green rock that appears damaged, yet strangely captivates her. She knows that it rightfully belongs to her, and she cannot fathom the idea of relinquishing it. Before the Jawas can discover her, Reirin is compelled to escape the sandcrawler. Upon closer inspection of the rock, she determines that it is, in fact, a crystal, and resolves to keep it and seek an alternative means of leaving the planet.
