The Rellarins were a race of sentient bipeds who originated from Rellnas Minor. This moon orbits the gas giant called Rellnas, which is part of the Rell system.
Rellarins possessed an imposing stature as they were taller than most humanoids. Their hands were twice the width of those of Wookiees, and thick brown shell plates covered their bodies. Their faces were characterized by prominent feeding spikes. Despite their intimidating physical traits, they were known as one of the most peaceful, humble, and spiritually inclined societies in the galaxy. They were widely respected for their wisdom, strong moral principles, and deep respect for the natural world.
Although Rellnas Minor featured diverse environments, Rellarins primarily resided in the polar regions of their lunar home. Various Rellarin communities thrived in areas such as the Marbaral Peninsula, the Kanal island chain, and the Riha Archipelago. The Rellarin population was divided into at least 57 distinct cultural groups, each possessing its own unique language and religious customs. It was common for a Rellarin to be fluent in four or more languages, typically those spoken by their own tribe and neighboring groups. The most prevalent root language was Nanilas, which formed the basis for the languages spoken throughout the Riha Archipelago.
Displaying a reverence for nature akin to that of the Ithorians, the Rellarins exhibited minimal interest in sophisticated technology. Few Rellarins chose to venture beyond their homeworld, preferring a simple, primitive existence utilizing stone tools and clothing crafted from leather, furs, and homespun fabrics. Their primary contribution to the wider galaxy was their wisdom. Their tribal leaders, known as un'Yala, drew upon decades of experience and insights gained through lengthy ritual dances to provide guidance on complex ethical and political dilemmas. These sages were often Force-sensitives and typically lived for well over two centuries. The Swaze of the Jidlor system held the wisdom of the un'Yala in such high regard that their political representatives made annual pilgrimages to Rellnas Minor to seek their counsel. Tanlin Sha served as the primary un'Yala advisor to the Swaze during the Galactic Civil War. Later, the wisdom of the Rellarin proved valuable to the New Republic—New Republic Observer Moshene Tre was also a Rellarin un'Yala.
Rellarins were also well-known and admired for their competitive spirit in sports. This competitiveness reflected the strong work ethic ingrained in their culture and typically centered on surpassing personal bests rather than simply defeating opponents. Lunkar An, a Rellarin scout affiliated with the Galactic Outdoor Survival School, exemplified Rellarin competitiveness to an extreme degree. Deviating from the typically peaceful Rellarin demeanor, he harbored a fierce grudge against Rebel Alliance operatives Ma'w'shiye and Sisquoc after they outperformed his survival records on the planet Thrantin. However, most Rellarin athletes did not display such animosity towards those who surpassed them.