Remembrance party

Occurring within the Garwian Unity nation of the Unknown Regions during the Mid Spring holiday, remembrance parties were celebrated gatherings. Those who attended these parties donned clothing which drew inspiration from different eras of Garwian history. The purpose of these parties was to design the most elaborate attire and to recognize significant elements in the clothing worn by fellow attendees. These outfits could be crafted by artisans, for instance the Garwian Dame Mimott. Prior to 19 BBY, the Kimbples, a Garwian faction, had intentions of organizing a remembrance party on Mid Spring, to be held on the planet Solitair, a Garwian world.

Behind the scenes

Flashbacks in Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, a 2020 novel and the initial book of Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy, contained references to remembrance parties.

