Rescue mission to Vandos

The Vandos rescue operation occurred in 20 BBY during the era of the Clone Wars. Confederate General Grievous orchestrated the kidnapping of Anx Ambassador Quiyyen, holding him captive in a carved-out cave on the planet of Vandos, all in an elaborate scheme to draw several Jedi into a prepared trap. Upon discovering the abduction and the impending arrival of a Confederate invasion fleet within the Vandos system, the Jedi Council dispatched a rescue force to Vandos, headed by Jedi Master T'chooka D'oon.

D'oon's team included his Padawan, Flynn Kybo, along with Jedi Master Jmmaar and a contingent of clone troopers. Upon entering the cave, Kybo realized their peril, as they were ambushed by Grievous and his army of super battle droids. After Kybo successfully freed the ambassador, D'oon's team began a retreat towards their awaiting gunship just outside the cave. In an effort to buy his team additional time to board the transport, D'oon confronted Grievous, but the cyborg general swiftly killed the Jedi Master. Nevertheless, the remaining members of the fallen Jedi Master's team successfully evacuated Vandos with Quiyyen.


Back in 20 BBY, Kaleesh Confederate General Grievous, notorious as a Jedi hunter during the Clone Wars, devised a plan to ensnare several Jedi within a cave carved into the planet of Vandos. To achieve this, Grievous abducted Republic Ambassador Quiyyen and imprisoned him inside the cave. Despite being unaware of Grievous's scheme, the Jedi Order received intelligence regarding the kidnapping, as well as the imminent arrival of a Confederate invasion fleet in the Vandos system. To facilitate the rescue of the Anx ambassador, the Jedi dispatched Jedi Masters T'chooka D'oon and Jmmaar, along with D'oon's Padawan, Flynn Kybo, and a squad of clone troopers from the Grand Army of the Republic. Jmmaar and D'oon shared a history with Grievous, having previously mediated the resolution of the Huk War, which had resulted in impoverishment for the Kaleesh people. Grievous, formerly known as Qymaen jal Sheelal, never forgave the Jedi for their involvement.

The mission

D'oon's team leaving Vandos

Given the perceived threat of an incoming invasion fleet from the Confederate Navy, D'oon's team needed to land on Vandos and liberate Ambassador Quiyyen with haste. Upon landing their LAAT/i gunship near the cave, they disembarked and were unexpectedly met by a contingent of super battle droids. Kybo recognized that they had walked into a trap, with Quiyyen serving merely as bait. Grievous, leading the droids, commanded his battle droid soldiers to ensure that no Jedi survived. During the ensuing conflict, Grievous eliminated numerous clone troopers and Jmmaar, relishing it as retribution for Jmmaar's role in the Huk War.

However, Kybo located Quiyyen and escorted him to safety among the Jedi group. With the Anx ambassador secured, the team made a dash towards their gunship. As they began to board the transport, the super battle droids continued to unleash fire from their wrist blasters upon the Jedi team. Recognizing that his comrades needed more time to board the gunship, D'oon turned his attention to the advancing Grievous and engaged the cyborg general in a lightsaber duel. Kybo witnessed Grievous swiftly defeat D'oon with his lightsaber, an event that would forever be etched in Kybo's memory. Once the group was aboard the gunship, they departed Vandos, setting course for the Republic capital planet of Coruscant.


Grievous claimed Jmmaar's lightsaber and retained it as one of his preferred weapons throughout the war. Following the mission, Kybo attended a meeting with the Jedi High Council within the Jedi Temple. Motivated by the death of his master and numerous other Jedi, Kybo expressed his desire for revenge against Grievous. Rather than advocating for a military campaign against Grievous, Kybo requested permission from Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu to assemble a small team of Jedi to target the cyborg general, a proposal that both Windu and Yoda disapproved of. Defying their counsel, Kybo secretly sought out Jedi who shared his desire. This decision ultimately led to Kybo's demise, as he engaged Grievous in a lightsaber duel on the moon of Belsus, where he was killed in an unexpected explosion.

Behind the scenes

The Vandos rescue mission made its debut in the first issue of the Star Wars: General Grievous comic-book series. The issue was penned by Chuck Dixon, illustrated by Rick Leonardi, and released by Dark Horse Comics on March 16, 2005.

