General Grievous 1

title: General Grievous 1

The inaugural issue, designated as General Grievous 1, kicks off the Star Wars: General Grievous series of comics, having been made available to the public on March 16, 2005.

Publisher's summary

Padawan Flynn Kybo, along with his Jedi Master T'chooka D'oon, embark on a mission to Vandos to carry out a rescue, only to encounter General Grievous, a prominent figure in the Separatist army. Following the death of his master at Grievous's hand, Kybo presents a strategy to the Jedi Council aimed at eliminating the general to prevent further casualties. However, upon the council's rejection of his proposal, Flynn Kybo resolves to take matters into his own hands. He seeks out like-minded individuals to join him in his quest to terminate the cyborg killer. Concurrently, Grievous seizes control of a transport vessel, and its valuable contents may provide him with an unforeseen advantage against the Jedi…

Plot summary

Flynn Kybo and his Jedi Master T'chooka D'oon find themselves face to face with General Grievous and a force of B2 super battle droids while on a mission to rescue Ambassador Quiyyen on Vandos. Despite battling through the droid forces with the assistance of clone troopers and successfully rescuing Quiyyen, T'chooka meets his end at the hands of Grievous.

Flynn then approaches the Jedi Council with a suggestion to form a Jedi strike team with the specific goal of assassinating Grievous. Master Yoda dismisses the idea, deeming it dishonorable and akin to murder, which is against the Jedi code. Instead, Yoda directs Flynn to meet his new Jedi Master, Z'meer Bothu. They proceed outside for "silent contemplation," but Flynn remains uncertain about the subject of his contemplation. His attempts to inquire with Z'meer are futile as she is deeply engrossed in meditation. B'dard Tone and his Padawan, Codi Ty, then approach Flynn. B'dard, having suffered severe injuries from Grievous on Nadiem, expresses agreement with Flynn's proposed course of action. They arrange to convene at the cantina on Bryndar. As B'dard and Codi depart, Z'meer, who has been eavesdropping on their conversation, informs Flynn that while he is free to act as he wishes, he will "never be offered a place among the Jedi again."

Simultaneously, General Grievous and a contingent of battle droids commandeer a Mon Calamari ship, eliminating all occupants. Grievous encounters an Abyssin Jedi and instructs his droids to execute him.

Aboard an Acclamator-class assault ship orbiting Alderaan, Master Ph'ton briefs a group of Jedi on their upcoming assignment: to escort a convoy of cargo ships to Alderaan, utilizing their starfighters to safeguard them from potential attacks by the Trade Federation. Flynn Kybo, present among the assembled Jedi, makes his way to Docking Bay Nine and absconds with a Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, piloting it to Bryndar. There, he rendezvous with Master Tone and Codi, and they commence planning their assault on Grievous.

General Grievous proceeds with his reconnaissance of the Calamari vessel and receives a report from a B1-Series battle droid indicating the presence of additional lifeforms on board. The droid guides Grievous to a darkened storage room filled with younglings…. He steps back and ignites his lightsabers....

