General Grievous 2

General Grievous 2, the second installment of the Star Wars: General Grievous comic series, saw its release on April 27, 2005.

Publisher's summary

Grievous, along with his military forces, launch an invasion of Gentes. They seize the planet's inhabitants and its manufacturing infrastructure as spoils of conquest. Simultaneously, Flynn Kybo and the Jedi, who are determined to eliminate Grievous, join forces with a seasoned group of space miners who share their desire to see Grievous eliminated. Unbeknownst to them, the General is holding a group of Padawan children captive, these children were captured during a raid on a Republic fleet. Grievous has devised a fate for the Padawans that is far more terrible than death itself.

Plot summary

At the head of a number of B1-Series battle droids, General Grievous mounts an attack on Gentes, located within the Anoat system. Grievous swiftly takes down the Administration Hub, which disables the planet's defense systems, and subsequently imprisons the entire Ugnaught population.

In another location, a character named Stellskard seeks out Flynn Kybo, who is in a meditative state in a field. Stellskard inquires about Kybo's pursuit of General Grievous, and offers to introduce him to "people who harbor more hatred for Grievous than you can imagine."

Returning to Gentes, Grievous engages in a discussion with a Neimoidian merchant and a pair of Geonosians regarding the fate of the Ugnaughts. Grievous proposes that they be put to work in the battle droid factories, but the merchant points out that the Geonosians prefer droids to be constructed by other droids.

Elsewhere, three younglings who were captured during Grievous's assault on a Mon Calamari vessel—a Nautolan and two Humans named Banz and [Allara]—are escorted from their transport vehicle onto Gentes.

On Bryndar, Flynn Kybo introduces Stellskard to B'dard Tone, who displays a clear lack of trust. B'dard explains that their mission was to locate individuals who held animosity towards the Confederacy, but no one has come forward to assist them. Flynn inquires about where they might find such individuals, and Stellskard guides them in the Cohasset Rover to his home, Banvhar Station, an asteroid mining colony that has suffered greatly at the hands of the Trade Federation.

Meanwhile, General Grievous communicates with Count Dooku via hologram on Gentes. Dooku instructs Grievous to hand over the captive Padawans from the Mon Calamari ship to the Sith, but Grievous requests to keep them out of curiosity. Dooku consents to Grievous's request, but only temporarily.

At Banvhar Station, a local individual named Rini detects a Separatist subspace chatter code on his computer. He assures Flynn Kybo that he can decipher it, given approximately a year. Flynn, understandably impatient, enlists the assistance of an astromech droid, CB-3D. CB connects to the machine and informs Flynn about Padawans and the Sith, revealing that General Grievous is a participant in the conversation. Grievous suggests to Count Dooku that he might be able to weave the Dark Side potential within these Padawans with Geonosian technology, as was done with him. Dooku expresses interest in this experiment and concludes the transmission.

Rini traces the transmission back to the Anoat system in the Ison Corridor, and reveals one of three Trade Federation probe droids that survived Banvhar Station's conflict with the Federation, intending to use it to track Grievous. B'dard appears skeptical, but Flynn assures him that CB-3D will wipe their memory to prevent betrayal. Rini dispatches the probe droids to carry out their mission.

On Gentes, General Grievous addresses the group of six Padawans, subtly attempting to persuade them to join the Sith. Allara, however, sees through his deception and uses the Force to seize one of the General's many lightsabers, eliminating all three of the B-1 battle droids guarding them. Grievous then grabs her by the wrist, deciding to demonstrate his power. He points to an assembly hall in the distance, where the entire Ugnaught population of the city is gathered, and orders his droids via comlink to open fire. Within moments, a blast descends from the sky, completely destroying the assembly hall and all of its occupants.

