General Grievous 3, the third installment in the Star Wars: General Grievous comic book saga, saw its release on June 15, 2005.
Flynn Kybo and his Jedi companions have joined forces with a diverse group of civilians to eliminate General Grievous and put an end to his terror. Simultaneously, Grievous, who is holding young Padawans captive, finds himself in conflict with Darth Tyranus, who harbors his own agenda for the Jedi trainees. However, Grievous is not inclined to submit to the will of anyone, even a Sith Lord!
At Banvhar Station, Rini discloses that their Trade Federation probe droids have located General Grievous on the moon Belsus within the Anoat system, noting extremely low lifeform signatures. As the probe droids advance towards Grievous, Flynn Kybo returns to the Cohasset Rover, resolved to personally confront Grievous.
On Belsus, the General engages in conversation with a Neimoidian representative from the Trade Federation, who expresses satisfaction with the Ugnaughts' efforts in refitting the Geonosian droid factories. Abruptly, the probe droids launch an assault on Grievous, swiftly eliminating his B1 escort. Grievous retaliates, destroying them almost as rapidly. Suspecting betrayal by the Federation or Dooku, Grievous assures the Neimoidian of his imminent demise should that be the case.
Deep beneath the surface of Belsus, Banz, Allara, and the other Padawans are diligently attempting to breach their prison door using the Force. Their efforts prove largely unsuccessful until an Ugnaught breaks through the ground and instructs them to follow him.
Returning to Banvhar Station, Rini informs Flynn that his skepticism regarding the probots was justified, as Grievous easily destroyed them. Flynn worries that their actions have merely alerted Grievous to their pursuit. B'dard Tone arrives with the entire miner population of Banvhar Station (and CB-3D), all prepared to assault Grievous on Belsus.
Meanwhile, Commander Vulpus of the CIS arrives on Belsus aboard a blue and purple Ginivex-class starfighter. General Grievous greets him and inquires about the purpose of his visit. Vulpus assures the General that he is merely an observer. Grievous leads him into the factories on Belsus, specifically to a droid skeleton being crafted for a Padawan, strikingly similar to his own. Grievous then escorts the Commander to the Padawans' cell... only to find it empty, with a gaping hole in the floor.
As the Padawans follow the Ugnaught through his underground tunnel, Allara senses that they are being pursued. Indeed, a squad of battle droids has entered the tunnel and quickly located the young Jedi. The General commands their termination, but the tunnel collapses upon the droids, enabling the Padawans to escape once more. Commander Vulpus declares his intention to inform Count Dooku, but Grievous halts him with a lightsaber positioned mere centimeters from his throat. Vulpus reminds Grievous that such an act would have severe repercussions. Grievous reluctantly retracts his lightsaber, and Vulpus decides against reporting the incident to Dooku.
Above Belsus, the Cohasset is piloted by the torsos of two B-1 battle droids, remotely controlled by Rini from a hidden location. He transmits the necessary codes and initiates docking on Belsus. Rini suddenly intercepts comm chatter from Belsus regarding Padawans; Flynn becomes anxious, but Rini clarifies that there are Padawans on Belsus, hostages of General Grievous, who have escaped.
These very Padawans arrive at an Ugnaught homestead, concealed from much of the moon. Grievous suddenly emerges through the tunnel, lightsabers ignited, vowing to kill them all...