A Human pilot of the female persuasion, named Rhen, worked alongside the bounty hunter known as Thannik.
Thannik, along with his associates, including Rhen, journeyed to the Dancing Dewback cantina to rendezvous with a Devaronian informant. The group also consisted of the criminal Dirk Harkness, Thannik's protocol droid, GT-9R, and a young boy by the name of Cev Rees. Rees created a problem for Rhen by stealing from Fenn, one of the spacers present in the establishment. When Fenn realized his wallet was gone, he discovered Rhen holding it while Rees disappeared into the throng of people. Rhen asserted that Fenn had dropped the wallet and attempted to diffuse the situation by offering the large spacer a beverage.
Rhen piloted a Class 720 freighter manufactured by Ghtroc Industries, called Thannik's Thunder. She engaged in aerial combat aboard the freighter against pirates in Z-95 Headhunters, as well as Imperial TIE fighters.