
Thannik, a male Human from the Legends continuity, earned his living as a bounty hunter during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Throughout his career, he found himself in the company of smugglers, fellow bounty hunters, known Rebels, and various other individuals dwelling on the periphery of galactic society. A formidable and relentless combatant, Thannik clashed with the forces of the Galactic Empire on numerous occasions. He was often accompanied on his exploits by his protocol droid, GT-9R, and a pilot named Rhen, including a visit to the Dancing Dewback cantina and a plan to supply the Rebel Alliance with blasters.


Visit to the Dancing Dewback

Thannik worked with Dirk Harkness.

During the Galactic Civil War, Thannik, a male Human, made his living as a bounty hunter. He maintained amicable relations with individuals often targeted by other hunters, such as smugglers and known Rebels, which set him apart from many bounty hunters of that time. His protocol droid, GT-9R, and a pilot by the name of Rhen were among his companions on his adventures.

Thannik, along with GT-9R, Rhen, the outlaw Dirk Harkness, and a young Cev Rees, once went to the Dancing Dewback cantina to rendezvous with a Devaronian contact. While appreciating the atmosphere, Thannik and his droid remained near the entrance to observe the situation, watching for armed patrons and planning an escape route. Meanwhile, the rest of his group proceeded directly to the bar.

Blaster smuggling

Thannik, sans Harkness, accompanied the same group in an attempt to smuggle crates of blasters to the Rebel Alliance. A group claiming Thannik and his associates owed them money pursued them during this endeavor. On a world illuminated by a bright blue sun, these pursuers caught up with Thannik and his companions in an open-air market. Three of them, led by a tall, cloaked Human, brandished their blasters and demanded their money. Thannik returned fire, injuring the leader, and evaded the incoming shots. His companions, in the meantime, sought refuge in a nearby cantina, only to find themselves surrounded by more armed individuals.

Thannik also associated with a pirate named Drebble, who once hastily attempted to repair a power coupling on Thannik's ship so they could take off quickly. He also knew Reeveid, a Rodian bounty hunter, whom he once met in a cantina.

Frequent battler

Thannik fought stormtroopers on several occasions.

Thannik's combat experiences encompassed both vehicular engagements, such as using the laser cannon on a speeder bike or firing upon an overhead snowspeeder, and close-quarters combat. In one instance, he fought another bounty hunter, transitioning from blaster fire at range to close combat with a vibro-ax. Similarly, in a fight with a stormtrooper, Thannik initially used a vibroblade before resorting to an unarmed attack, punching the stormtrooper in the helmet. On numerous occasions, Thannik engaged stormtroopers in combat, even stealing and wearing a suit of stormtrooper armor once.

In battle, Thannik was sometimes stunned or wounded. He was once nearly killed and required four days of treatment in a bacta tank to heal his injuries.

Personality and traits

Thannik was an aggressive fighter who wasn't afraid of close combat. He felt at home in potentially dangerous places like the Dancing Dewback, where he was open to the possibility of a brawl. This contrasted with companions like Rhen and GT-9R, who preferred to avoid personal combat. However, he was cautious when entering dangerous situations, unlike Cev Rees or Dirk Harkness, who would enter cantinas without checking for danger.

Skills and abilities

Thannik, like many bounty hunters, possessed skills in locating hidden objects and people. He was a crack shot with blasters, especially blaster pistols, and adept at dodging blaster bolts and other weapons fire. He was also a skilled light freighter pilot, particularly when flying Ghtroc Industries models. Additionally, Thannik demonstrated some knowledge of Wookiee lore.

Throughout his career, Thannik dedicated himself to improving his combat and non-combat skills. As he gained experience, he became a more astute bargainer and generally more knowledgeable than when he began. He once honed his blaster skills by training with a marksman named Hist for a week, eventually surpassing his teacher's skill level.


Thannik owned a Ghtroc Class 720 freighter.

Thannik, in common with many bounty hunters, maintained a wide range of weaponry. He carried several blasters, including a heavy blaster pistol, a hold-out blaster, and a standard blaster pistol. He also used grenades, such as thermal detonators, and melee weapons like vibroblades, vibro-axes, and a pair of combat knives. For protection, Thannik wore a protective vest and carried two medpacs for emergencies. A jetpack and approximately a thousand credits rounded out his personal gear.

Thannik owned a used Ghtroc Class 720 freighter. Some of his smuggler friends upgraded it for him, even though it was in bad shape when he bought it. Purchasing this ship put Thannik at least 5000 credits in debt to a loan shark on Celanon.

Behind the scenes

Thannik's biography closely resembled that of the bounty hunter Tirog.

Thannik is a sample character for players that appears in several game play examples in Bill Smith's 1996 roleplaying game book Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, published by West End Games. These include examples of group play, skill use, and character creation. "Greg", Thannik's player, shares a name with WEG designers Greg Farshtey, Greg Costikyan, or Greg Gorden, while "Bill", the gamemaster, shares his name with WEG writers Bill Smith and Bill Slavicsek. Thannik's game statistics are based on the rulebook's player character template for a Human bounty hunter.

For the most part, the rulebook examples that feature Thannik are rewritten versions of examples previously included in Smith's 1992 game book Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition. In these reused examples, Thannik takes the place of Tirog, another bounty hunter character played by Greg. As a result, Thannik's biography closely parallels Tirog's. Two of Thannik's associates, GT-9R and Drebble, are companions of Tirog's in the previous rulebook.

In game play examples related to space combat, Thannik's associate Rhen flies a Class 720 freighter named Thannik's Thunder. In these examples, Rhen flies Thannik's Thunder in combat against pirates flying Z-95 Headhunters and against Imperial TIE fighters. In another game play example, Thannik's Thunder is captured by the tractor beams of an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer.


  • Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded (First mentioned)

Notes and references
